Tweed Ford, Drumelzier, Peeblesshire

Cup-and-Ring Stone (removed):  OS Grid Reference – NT 12364 32627

Also Known as:

  1. Drumelzier Carving

Archaeology & History

Position of stone in cairn

A carving that was located at the edge of a cairn on a knoll on the east-side of the River Tweed, this is an odd design that now lives in Edinburgh’s central museum: odd, inasmuch as the design looks as if it’s a typical cup-and-ring carving, yet none of the cups on this stone were ever hollowed or pecked out, and so the “cups”, so to speak, are actually small rings (if that makes sense!).  There are a number of similar unhollowed “cups” on other carvings that are found associated with prehistoric tombs, so perhaps this aspect was something of a burial trend—amongst a very small tribal group, perhaps… It’s an element that was remarked upon in Simpson & Thawley’s (1972) examination of petroglyphs in neolithic tombs that were called “passage grave style” carvings: a sort of dyslexic cup-and-ring design no less!  The intriguing thing about this carving is that it’s one in a small cluster of dyslexic cup-and-rings that are found in this part of Scotland—in an area where rock art itself is pretty scarce.  Which begs the question: was it a local tribal style?  Anyhow…

The carving was first uncovered when J.H. Craw (1930) excavated the aforementioned cairn, finding therein a number of cists.  There’s speculation that the petroglyph might originally have been a covering stone for one of the cists, but we don’t know for sure. Craw described the carving as follows:

Craw’s 1930 sketch
Ron Morris’ 981 sketch

“The ring-marked slab…measures 3 feet by 2 feet by 6 inches.  It lay at the north side of the cairn (highlighted in sketch, PB), outside the encircling ring, but may originally have been the cover of cist No.2.  On the upper side are five shallow ring-markings, four being double and one single.  The former measure 3 inches to 4 inches in diameter, and the latter 1¾ inch.  The figures are thus much smaller than in typical cup-and-ring-marked stones, and the lines are only ¼ inch in width.  The only similar markings known to me are on a slab which I found a number of years ago near the site of several former cairns, and forts at Harelawside near Grant’s House, Berwickshire.  The stone is now in our Museum.”

The “museum” in question being Edinburgh’s National Museum (I don’t know if it’s in a box somewhere or on public display, which is where it needs to be).  If anyone can get a good photo of this carving, please send it to us or add it on on our Facebook group.


  1. Craw, J.H., “The Excavation of a Cairn at Drumelzier, Peeblesshire,” in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, volume 65, 1930.
  2. Morris, Ronald W.B., “The Cup-and-Ring and Similar Early Sculptures of Scotland; Part 2 – The Rest of Scotland except Kintyre,” in Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society, volume 16, 1969.
  3. Morris, Ronald W.B., “The Cup-and-Ring Marks and Similar Sculptures of Scotland: A Survey of the Southern Counties – part 2,” in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland, volume 100, 1969.
  4. Morris, Ronald W.B., The Prehistoric Rock Art of Southern Scotland, BAR: Oxford 1981.
  5. Ritchie, Graham & Anna, Edinburgh and South-East Scotland, Heinnemann: London 1972.
  6. Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments, Scotland, Peeblesshire – volume 1, Aberdeen University Press 1967.
  7. Simpson, D.D.A. & Thawley, J.E., “Single Grave Art in Britain,” in Scottish Archaeological Forum, no.4, 1972.

Acknowledgements:  Huge thanks for use of the Ordnance Survey map in this site profile, reproduced with the kind permission of the National Library of Scotland

© Paul BennettThe Northern Antiquarian

Woodend, Mossfennan, Broughton, Peeblesshire

Cup-and-Ring Stone:  OS Grid Reference – NT 12136 31360

Also Known as:

  1. Mossfennan Farm

Archaeology & History

Carving, looking W: courtesy Jim Ness

A little-known multiple ringed carving was discovered a few years ago during the excavation of a prehistoric cairn just immediately east of the A701 roadside, several miles south of Broughton.  The cairn itself had been recognised many years prior to the recent excavation, when one of two cists inside it was noted by R.B.K. Stevenson (1940), and which was subsequently described in slightly more detail in the Royal Commission Inventory (1967).  But when the modern investigation was undertaken by the Biggar Archaeology Group in 2008, a damaged but impressive carving was uncovered that somehow hadn’t been noticed before.  It was described in Tam Ward’s (2008) excavation report where he told that,

Carving in situ (photo courtesy Jim Ness)
Carving looking N: courtesy Jim Ness

“lying almost immediately on the east side of Cist 1 is an angular rock…measuring 1m long and over 0.3m wide on the uppermost face, itself lying at an angle facing SW and away from  the cist.  The rock has fractured due to weathering in post deposition times, as indeed several other surface stones had, but on the widest part of the upper surface are at least seven concentric lines faintly pecked into the smooth flat surface of the stone. The lines are up to 10mm wide and appear to have been intended to form semi ovals on the edge of the rock.  The outer ring forms an arc of c270mm on the long axis by c140mm on the short one (the former measurement being straight between the ends of the lines and the latter being a radius across the design). The terminals of the inner curved line are about 80mm apart. The lines are slightly irregular in distance from one another. Although it is far from certain, it does not appear that the rock has been part of a larger one with a more complete design on it, rather the pecking appears not to have been finished since the surface of the rock is similar in appearance overall while the abrasion of the carving varies.”

Fractured design (photo courtesy Jim Ness)

The carving remains in place with the cist, which was covered back over when the excavation had been finished.

Carvings such as this are uncommon in this neck o’ the woods; although less than a mile downstream from here, on the other side of the river, another petroglyph—known as the Drumelzier carving—accompanied another prehistoric tomb.  Apart from this, there’s a great scarcity of carvings scattering the Lowlands—although it’s likely that there are others hiding away, waiting to be found on these hills…


  1. Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments, Scotland, Peeblesshire – volume 1, Aberdeen University Press 1967.
  2. Stevenson, R.B.K., “Cists near Tweedsmuir,” in Proceedings Society Antiquaries, Scotland, volume 74, 1940.
  3. Ward, Tam , “Excavation of a Bronze Age burial cairn at Woodend, Mossfennan Farm, Upper Tweeddale,” Biggar Archaeology 2008.

Acknowledgements:  Huge thanks to Jim Ness and Tam Ward of the Biggar Archaeology Group for use of the photos in this site profile. 

© Paul BennettThe Northern Antiquarian