Yorkshire, North

NORTH YORKSHIRE: Bibliography & References

  1. Addlebrough Cup-Marking, Thornton Rust Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  2. Alexander’s Hill, Follifoot – Tumulus
  3. Almscliffe Crags, North Rigton – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  4. Almscliffe Crags, North Rigton – Sacred Rocks
  5. Ancestors’ Stone, Low Snowden, Askwith – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  6. Apronful of Stones, Giggleswick – Cairn
  7. Arncliffe, Littondale – Petroglyph
  8. Ashes Well, Whitby – Healing Well
  9. Askwith Moor (515) – Cup-Marked Stone
  10. Askwith Moor (521) – Cup-Marked Stone
  11. Askwith Moor (529) – Cup-Marked Stone
  12. Askwith Moor Cairnfield – Cairns
  13. Back Well, Askwith Moor – Healing Well
  14. Bampton Well, York – Healing Well
  15. Barley Cross, Richmond – Cross
  16. Bastow Wood, Grassington – Settlement
  17. Batty Wife Hole, Ribblehead – Cairn Circle
  18. Bawshaw Well, Cowling – Healing Well
  19. Beacon Howe (01), Ravenscar – Tumulus
  20. Beacon Howe (02), Ravenscar – Tumulus
  21. Beamsley Beacon, Beamsley – Cairn
  22. Bel’s Stone, Sleights Moor – Legendary Rock
  23. Bent Gate, Blubberhouse Moor – Cup-Marked Stone (NEW FIND)
  24. Bent Gate, Blubberhouse Moor – Enclosure  (NEW FIND)
  25. Bent Gate, Blubberhouse Moor – Standing Stone  (NEW FIND)
  26. Berry Well, Swinton, Masham – Healing Well
  27. Billey Well, Grewelthorpe – Healing Well
  28. Black Hill Long Cairn, Low Bradley Moor, Skipton – Cairn
  29. Black Hill Round Cairn, Low Bradley Moor, Skipton – Cairn
  30. Black Hill Enclosure, Middleton Moor – Settlement
  31. Blakey Topping, Allerston – Sacred Hill
  32. Blakey Topping, Allerston – Stone Circle
  33. Blubberhouses Moor – Settlement
  34. Blubberhouses Moor Stone – Standing Stone
  35. Blue Scar Settlement, Arncliffe – Settlement
  36. Boomers Stone, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  37. Botham’s Well, Blubberhouses – Healing Well
  38. Bracken Ridge Well, Middleton Moor – Healing Well
  39. Brandy Well, Carlton-in-Craven – Holy Well
  40. Breckon Howe, Sleights Moor, Sleights – Tumulus
  41. Bride Stone, Farnley Moor – Standing Stone
  42. Brimham Rocks, Hartwith – Legendary Rocks
  43. Brimham Rocks Circle, Summerbridge – Stone Circle
  44. Briscoe Rigg, Rigton – Settlement
  45. Broadwood, Thornton-in-Lonsdale – Enclosure
  46. Brown Beck Stone, Agra Moor – Standing Stone
  47. Brown Howes, Ebberston Low Moor – Cairns
  48. Bryan’s Wood (01), Dacre Cup-and-Ring Stone
  49. Bryan’s Wood (02), Dacre – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  50. Bryan’s Wood (03), Dacre – Cup-Marked Stone
  51. Burhill Kiln Allotment (415), Skyreholme, Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  52. Burnett’s Ridge (421), Skyreholme, Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  53. Burn Howe, Fylingdales Moor – Tumulus
  54. Burnt Howe, Ravenscar – Tumulus
  55. Busky Dike Druidical Altar, Fewston – Sacred Rocks
  56. Byrnand Hall Cross, Knaresborough – Cross
  57. Carlin Howe, Brotton – Cairn
  58. Carling Croft, Appletreewick – Legendary Site
  59. Caspar Stone, Middleton Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  60. Castleberg, Nesfield – Hillfort
  61. Castle Dykes, Aysgarth – Henge
  62. Cat Nab, Brotton – Tumulus
  63. Chalybeate Well, Wigglesworth – Healing Well
  64. Chester Wood, Threshfield – Settlement
  65. Churn Holes Well, Blubberhouses Moor – Healing Well
  66. Civy Sike Spring, Barden Moor – Healing Well
  67. Claymore Well, Kettleness – Holy Well
  68. Cleatop, Giggleswick – Stone Circle
  70. Clowder (1), Arncliffe – Enclosure
  71. Clowder (2), Arncliffe – Settlement
  72. Clowder (3), Arncliffe – Settlement
  73. Clowder (4), Arncliffe – Settlement
  74. Cock Howe (1), Skelton Moor, Marske – Cairn
  75. Cock Lakes, Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  76. Combe Scar, Malham – Hut Circle / Settlement
  77. Coney Well, Ravenscar – Healing Well
  78. Cote Hill (01), Blubberhouse Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  79. Cote Hill (02), Blubberhouse Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  80. Cow Close, Skirethorns, Threshfield – Settlement
  81. Cowgate Manor Barn, Shaw Mills, Bishop Thornton – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  82. Cow Gill, Bordley – Enclosure
  83. Cow Keeper’s Field, Boulby, Easington – Tumulus
  84. Cow Keeper’s Field (1), Boulby, Easington – Cup-Marked Stone
  85. Cow Keeper’s Field (2), Boulby, Easington – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  86. Cowling’s Enclosure, Askwith Moor – Enclosure
  87. Crag Well, Snowden, Askwith – Healing Well
  88. Crags Well, Blubberhouses – Healing Well
  89. Craven Cross, Appletreewick – Cross
  90. Cray, Hubberholme, Buckden – Tumulus
  91. Crow Well Circle, Denton Moor – Settlement
  92. Crown End, Castleton – Settlement
  93. Cunnel Fold Well, Marsett, Bainbridge – Healing Well
  94. Daggers Stone, Skyreholme, Appletreewick – Carved Rock
  95. Danes Hills, Riccall – Tumuli
  96. Danes Hills, Skipwith – Tumuli
  97. Death’s Head Rock (577), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  98. Deer Gallows Well, Embsay Moor – Healing Well
  99. Devil’s Apronful, Appletreewick – Cairn
  100. Devil’s Arrows, Boroughbridge – Standing Stones
  101. Devil’s Stone, Addlebrough, Bainbridge – Sacred Rock
  102. Dewbottoms, Arncliffe – Settlement
  103. Dewbottoms (1), Arncliffe – Enclosures
  104. Dewbottoms (2), Arncliffe – Settlement
  105. Dewbottoms (3), Arncliffe – Settlement
  106. Dewbottoms (4), Arncliffe – Settlement
  107. Dewbottoms (5), Arncliffe – Settlement
  108. Dib Well, Appletreewick – Healing Well
  109. Dog Wells, Hazlewood – Healing Well
  110. Douky Bottom, Arncliffe – Cave
  111. Douky Bottom, Arncliffe – Enclosure
  112. Douky Bottom, Arncliffe – Settlement
  113. Dove Stones, Thornton Rust – Cup-Marked Stone
  114. Dovestones Well, Blubberhouses – Healing Well
  115. Dowgill Spout, Heyshaw, Pateley Bridge – Healing Well
  116. Dragon Stone, Scosthrop Moor – Legendary Rock
  117. Dropping Well, Grewelthorpe – Healing Well
  118. Druid’s Altar, Bordley – Stone Circle
  119. Duel Cross Hill, Grafton – Tumulus
  120. Dumpit Hill A, Hebden, Grassington – Stone Circle
  121. Dumpit Hill B, Hebden, Grassington – Stone Circle
  122. Dumpit Hill Enclosure, Hebden, Grassington – Settlement
  123. Eagle Stone, Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  124. Eastwoods Cross Base, Dacre – Cross & Cup-Marked Stone
  125. Eastwoods Farm, Dacre Cup-Marked Stone
  126. Eastwoods Farm Cup, Dacre – Cup-Marked Stone
  127. Eastwoods Rough Stone, Dacre – see Morphing Stone
  128. Eastwoods Rough II, Dacre – see Tadpole Stone
  129. Eastwoods Rough 3, Dacre – Cup-Marked Stone
  130. Ebbing and Flowing Well, Giggleswick – Holy Well
  131. Elbolton Hill, Grassington – Sacred Hill
  132. Eller Edge (424), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  133. Eller Edge (425), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  134. Eller Edge (426), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  135. Eller Edge (427), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  136. Eller Edge (429), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  137. Eller Edge (430), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  138. Eller Edge (431), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  139. Eller Edge (432), Pock Stones Moor, Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  140. Ellers Wood (001), Timble, Washburn Valley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  141. Ellers Wood (002), Timble, Washburn Valley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  142. Ellers Wood (614), Timble, Washburn Valley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  143. Ellers Wood (618), Timble, Washburn Valley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  144. Ellers Wood (619), Timble, Washburn Valley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  145. Fair-Haia, Carlton, Drax – Sacred Tree
  146. Fairy’s Chest, Embsay Moor – Sacred Rock
  147. Fairy Hole, Appletreewick – Legendary Rocks
  148. The Falls (1), Boulby, Easington – Cairn
  149. The Falls (2), Boulby, Easington – Tumulus
  150. Fancarl Top, Appletreewick – Stone Circle
  151. Fat Jack Well, Appletreewick – Healing Well
  152. Fearby Cross, Masham – Cross
  153. Feizor, Lawkland – Standing Stone
  154. Feizor Thwaite, Lawkland – Cairn Circle
  155. Fertility Stone, Dacre – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  156. Flask Well, Howgill – Healing Well
  157. Flat Howe (1), Sleights Moor, Sleights – Tumulus
  158. Flat Howe (2), Sleights Moor, Sleights – Tumulus
  159. Folly Hall, Norwood – Standing Stone
  160. Folly Top, Barden Moor – Ring Cairn
  161. Forty Acres 01, Stelling, Marske – Cup-Marked Stone
  162. Forty Acres 02, Stelling, Marske – Cup-Marked Stone
  163. Forty Acres 03, Stelling, Marske – Cup-and-Ring Stone (NEW FIND)
  164. Forty Acres 04, Stelling, Marske – Cup-Marked Stone
  165. Gawk Hall Stone, Middleton Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  166. Giants’ Graves, Halton Gill – Cairns
  167. Gill Beck Well, Barden Moor – Healing Well
  168. Gill Head, Blubberhouses Moor – Enclosures
  169. Graffa Plain, Brimham Rocks, Hartwith – Tumuli
  170. Grass Woods, Grassington – Settlement
  171. Great Close Hill, Malham – Cairn
  172. Great Puddingstone Cross, Harrogate – Cross
  173. Great Stone of Fourstones, Lowgill – Legendary Rock
  174. Great Wood Laithe Stone (019), Skipton – Cup-Marked Stone
  175. Green Howe, North Deighton – Tumulus
  176. Green Plain, Blubberhouses Moor – Settlement
  177. Green Plain Chalybeate, Blubberhouses Moor – Healing Well
  178. Green Thorn Spring, Barden Moor – Healing Well
  179. Green Well, Blubberhouses – Healing Well
  180. Green Well, Timble – Healing Well
  181. Greystone Allotment, Weston – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  182. Guisecliff Woods (624), Bewerley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  183. Guisecliff Woods (625), Bewerley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  184. Guisecliff Woods (626), Bewerley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  185. Guisecliff Woods (627), Bewerley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  186. Guisecliff Woods (629), Bewerley – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  187. The Hagg, Kirkbymoorside – Tumulus
  188. Hall Well, Appletreewick – Healing Well
  189. Hamblethorpe, Low Bradley, Skipton – Standing Stones
  190. Hammond Close, Threshfield – Enclosure / Settlement
  191. Hammond Close, Threshfield – Standing Stones
  192. Hare Hill, Elslack – Tumulus
  193. Hartwith Moor, Summerbridge – Standing Stone
  194. Hawk Well, York – Healing Well
  195. Hawks Well, Blubberhouses – Healing Well
  196. Haydale Cross, York – Cross
  197. Healey, Masham – Stone Circles
  198. Helwith Bridge, Stainforth – Settlement
  199. Heyshaw Moor (north), Dacre – Cairns
  200. High Bride Stones, Sleights Moor, Sleights – Standing Stones
  201. High Close, Grassington – Cairn
  202. High Close Pasture, Grassington – Settlement
  203. High Green (407), Skyreholme – Cup-Marked Stone
  204. High Hill, Sigsworth Moor, Fountains Earth – Enclosure
  205. High Laithe Stone (017), Skipton – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  206. High Low Ridge, Askwith Moor – Cairns
  207. High Mark, Bordley – Enclosure
  208. High Sleets, Hawkswick – Enclosure
  209. High Woof Howe, Langdale Forest – Tumulus
  210. Hollin Tree Hill, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  211. Hollin Tree Hill, Askwith Moor – Settlement
  212. Hollin Tree Hill, Askwith Moor – Standing Stone
  213. Holy Priest’s Well, York – Holy Well
  214. Holy Well, Hildenley – Holy Well
  215. Holy Well, York Minster – see St. Peters Well
  216. Hood Hill Stone, Kilburn – Sacred Rocks
  217. Horn Bank, Rigton – Settlement
  218. Horse Close Hill, Skipton – Settlement / Enclosure
  219. Howe Hill, Brotton – Cairn
  220. How Stone, Middleton – Standing Stone
  221. Hutton Moor, Dishforth – Henge
  222. Intake Lodge, Yearsley – ‘Tumulus’
  223. James Stone, Blubberhouses Moor – Standing Stone
  224. Jockey Well, Grewelthorpe – Healing Well
  225. Kealcup, Bordley – Enclosure
  226. Keldhowe Well, Goldsborough – Healing Well
  227. Kendall Stone, Robin Hood’s Bay, Whitby – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  228. Kimpergill Hill, Grassington – Settlement
  229. Kirk Bank, Threshfield – Cairn
  230. Kirklington Cursus – Cursus Monument
  231. Kirk Stones, Thruscross – Legendary Rocks
  232. Kirkmoor Beck Farm, Fylingthorpe – Stone Circle
  233. Lady Well, Aldborough – Holy Well
  234. Lady Well, Kirklington – Holy Well
  235. Lady Well, North Oaks, Pateley Moor – Holy Well
  236. Lady Well, Threshfield – Holy Well
  237. Lady Well, Thruscross Holy Well
  238. Lady Well, York – Holy Well
  239. Langbar Moor – Standing Stone
  240. Langbar Moor Carving – Cup-Marked Stone
  241. Langbar Stone (459), Langbar Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  242. Langcliffe, Kettlewell – Settlement
  243. Langerton Hill, Appletreewick – Enclosure
  244. Lantern Holes, Bordley – Settlement
  245. Lattice Stone (481), Middleton Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  246. Lea Green, Grassington – Cairn
  247. Lea Green, Grassington – Settlement
  248. Leaf Howe, Stape – Tumulus
  249. Lector Nab Chalybeate, Whitby – Healing Well
  250. Lilla Cross, Fylingdales Moor – Cross
  251. Lilla Howe, Fylingdales Moor – Tumulus
  252. Line Stone, Skyreholme, Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  253. Linton Church, Grassington – Standing Stone
  254. Lippersley Pike, Denton Moor – Cairn
  255. Lippersley Pike (506), Denton Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  256. Little Almscliffe, Stainburn – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  257. Little Almscliffe, Stainburn – Legendary Rocks
  258. Little John Stone, Whitby – Standing Stone
  259. Longbarrows Field, Timble – Cairn
  260. Lords Stoop Well, Embsay Moor – Healing Well
  261. Low Bradley Moor – Cairn
  262. Low Bride Stones, Sleights Moor, Sleights – Standing Stones
  263. Low Snaygill Stone (016), Skipton – Cup-Marked Stone
  264. Low Woof Howe, Fylingsdale – Tumulus
  265. Lower Lanshaw, Askwith Moor – Enclosure
  266. Lower Lanshaw Stone (01), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  267. Lower Lanshaw Stone (02), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  268. Lower Well, Cowling – Healing Well
  269. Mackenzie’s Stone, Fountains Earth – Cup-Marked Stone
  270. Malham Lings, Malham – Cairns
  271. Man Stone, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  272. Market Cross, Thornton-le-Dale – Cross
  273. Middle House Pasture, Waterhouses, Malham – Settlement
  274. Middleton Moor Carving (001) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  275. Middleton Moor Carving (002) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  276. Middleton Moor Carving (003) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  277. Middleton Moor Carving (004) – Cup-Marked Stone
  278. Middleton Moor Carving (005) – Cup-Marked Stone
  279. Middleton Moor Carving (006) – Cup-Marked Stone
  280. Middleton Moor Carving (007) – Cup-Marked Stone
  281. Middleton Moor Carving (008) – Cup-Marked Stone
  282. Middleton Moor Carving (009) – Cup-Marked Stone
  283. Middleton Moor Carving (010) – Cup-Marked Stone
  284. Middleton Moor Carving (435) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  285. Middleton Moor Carving (436) – Cup-Marked Stone
  286. Middleton Moor Carving (437) – Cup-Marked Stone
  287. Middleton Moor Carving (440) – Cup-Marked Stone
  288. Middleton Moor Carving (441) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  289. Middleton Moor Carving (442) – Cup-Marked Stone
  290. Middleton Moor Carving (443) – Cup-Marked Stone
  291. Middleton Moor Carving (444) – Cup-Marked Stone
  292. Middleton Moor Carving (445) – Cup-Marked Stone
  293. Middleton Moor Carving (447) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  294. Middleton Moor Carving (448) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  295. Middleton Moor Carving (449) – Cup-Marked Stone
  296. Middleton Moor Carving (453) – Cup-and-Line Stone
  297. Middleton Moor Carving (454) – Cup-Marked Stone
  298. Middleton Moor Carving (455) – Cup-Marked Stone
  299. Middleton Moor Carving (467) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  300. Middleton Moor Carving (482) – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  301. Middleton Moor Carving (483) – Cup-Marked Stone
  302. Middleton Moor Carving (484) – Cup-Marked Stone
  303. Mire Well, Newholm – Healing Well
  304. Mixing Stone, Low Snowden, Askwith – Cup-Marked Stone
  305. Morphing Stone, Dacre – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  306. Mudbeck Ring, Arkengarthdale Moor – Stone Circle
  307. Mudbeck 2, Arkengarthdale Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  308. Naked Jogger Stone, Low Snowden, Askwith – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  309. Nanny Howe, Coate Moor, Kildale – Tumulus
  310. Nettlehole Ridge, Skipton – Stone Circle
  311. Nor Hill, Skipton Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  312. Nunwick Henge, Ripon – Henge Monument
  313. Nursery Knot, Appletreewick – Sacred Hill
  314. Nussey Green (404), Skyreholme, Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  315. Old Jane Well, Heyshaw, Pateley Bridge – Healing Well
  316. Old Lane, Cowling – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  317. The Old Man, Barden Moor – Legendary Rock
  318. Old Man of Snowden, Askwith – Standing Stone
  319. The Old Pike, Beamsley Moor – Cairn
  320. Old Wife Ridge, Heyshaw Moor, Dacre – Sacred Hill
  321. Old Wife’s Spring, Snaizeholme – Holy Well
  322. Old Wives’ Well, Stape, Pickering – Sacred Well
  323. Old Woman’s Well, Guisborough – Holy Well
  324. Outgang Hill, Kilnsey – Settlement
  325. Peggy Wests Well, Embsay Moor – Healing Well
  326. Pen Howe (1), Sleights Moor, Sleights – Tumulus
  327. Pen Howe (2), Sleights Moor, Sleights – Tumulus
  328. Petrifying Well, Grosmont – Sacred Well
  329. Petrifying Well, Newton Dale – Sacred Well
  330. Picketts Beck East, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  331. Pike Well, Middleton Moor – Healing Well
  332. Popple Well, Middleton Moor – Healing Well
  333. Poppling Well, Askwith – Healing Well
  334. Prior Rakes, Malham Moor – Settlement
  335. Proctor High Mark, Bordley – Enclosure
  336. Pudding Pie Hill, Thirsk – Tumulus
  337. Quernhow Barrow, Ainderby Quernhow – Cairn
  338. Ralph’s Cross, Westerdale Moor – Cross
  339. Raven Stones (559), Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  340. Raven Stones (560), Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  341. Raven Stones (561), Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  342. Raven Stones (562), Thruscross – Cup-Marked Stone
  343. Raven Stones (east), Thruscross – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  344. Raven’s Peak, Blubberhouses Moor – Settlement
  345. Redmire – Maypole
  346. Richard Wood South, Thornton Steward – Cup-Marked Stone
  347. Riverbank Cup-Marking, Askwith – Cup-Marked Stone
  348. Robin Hood’s Bay, Whitby – see Kendall Stone
  349. Robin Hood’s Butts (01), Brow Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus
  350. Robin Hood’s Butts (02), Brow Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus
  351. Robin Hood’s Butts (03), Brow Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus
  352. Robin Hood’s Howl, Kirkbymoorside – see The Hagg
  353. Robin Hood Stone, Whitby – Standing Stone
  354. Robin Hood’s Well, Allerston High Moor – Healing Well
  355. Robin Hood’s Well, Conistone – Healing Well
  356. Robin Hood’s Well, Fountains Abbey – Healing Well
  357. Robin Hood’s Well, Pateley Bridge – Healing Well
  358. Robin Hood’s Well, West Witton – Healing Well
  359. Rocking Stone, Bordley – Legendary Rock
  360. Rocking Stone carving, Rocking Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  361. Rough Haw, Flasby – Hillfort
  362. Rough Haw (1), Flasby – Cup-Marked Stone
  363. Rough Haw (2), Flasby – Cup-Marked Stone
  364. Round Hill, Middleton Moor – Tumulus
  365. Rowantree Crags, Blubberhouses – Rocking Stone
  366. Rye Loaf Hill, Settle – Cairn
  367. St. Ann’s Well, Harrogate – Holy Well
  368. St. Cuthbert’s Well, Embsay – Holy Well
  369. St. Dunstan’s Well, York – Holy Well
  370. St. George’s Well, Harrogate – Holy Well
  371. St. Helen’s Well, Eshton – Holy Well
  372. St. Hilda’s Well, Hinderwell – Holy Well
  373. St. Hilda’s Well, Whitby – Holy Well
  374. St. Lambert’s Well, Burneston – Holy Well
  375. St. Mary’s Cross, Whitby – Cross
  376. St. Michael’s Well, Kirklington – Holy Well
  377. St. Michael’s Well, Well – Holy Well
  378. St. Mungo’s Well, Harrogate – Holy Well
  379. St. Peter’s Well, York Minster – Holy Well
  380. Scale House, Rylstone – Tumulus
  381. Scorton – Cursus
  382. Scot Gate Pasture, Conistone – Settlement
  383. Seaty Hill, Malham Moor – Tumulus
  384. Sharp Haw (1), Flasby – Cup-Marked Stone
  385. Sharp Haw (2), Flasby – Cup-Marked Stone
  386. Sharp Haw, Flasby – Sacred Hill
  387. Sheep Scar, Giggleswick – Cairn
  388. Sheep Scar Circle, Giggleswick – Cairn Circle
  389. Sheep Scar Enclosure, Giggleswick – Enclosure
  390. Sheriff Hill, Malham – Settlement
  391. Sheriff Hill, Malham – Cairn
  392. Shooting House East, Askwith Moor – Hut Circles
  393. Shooting House Hill, Askwith Moor – Settlement
  394. Shorkley Hill, Malham – Settlement
  395. Simon Howe, Goathland – Cairn
  396. Simon Howe Stones, Goathland – Stone Row
  397. Simon’s Seat, Skyreholme – Sacred Hill
  398. Skirtful of Stones, Horton-in-Ribblesdale – Cairn
  399. Skyrakes West, Stirton, Skipton – Cairn
  400. Skyrakes West, Stirton, Skipton – Cup-Marked Stone
  401. Skyrakes West, Stirton, Skipton – Enclosure
  402. Skyrakes Wood, Stirton, Skipton – Enclosure
  403. Skyreholme Carving (401) – see Line Stone, Appletreewick
  404. Skyreholme Carving (405), Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  405. Skyreholme Carving (406), Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  406. Skyreholme Carving (407), Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  407. Skyreholme Carving (408), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  408. Skyreholme Carving (409), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  409. Skyreholme Carving (410), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  410. Skyreholme Carving (411), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  411. Skyreholme Carving (412), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  412. Skyreholme Carving (413), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  413. Skyreholme Carving (414), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  414. Skyreholme Carving (415), Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  415. Skyreholme Carving (416), Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  416. Skyreholme Carving (417), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  417. Skyreholme Carving (418), Appletreewick – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  418. Skyreholme Carving (419), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  419. Skyreholme Carving (420), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  420. Skyreholme Carving (421), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  421. Skyreholme Carving (422), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  422. Skyreholme Carving (426), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  423. Skyreholme Carving (427), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  424. Skyreholme Carving (429), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  425. Skyreholme Carving (430), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  426. Skyreholme Carving (431), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  427. Skyreholme Carving (432), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  428. Skyreholme Carving (433), Appletreewick – Cup-Marked Stone
  429. Slade Cairnfield, Blubberhouses Moor – Cairns
  430. Slade Carving (01), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  431. Slade Carving (02), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  432. Slade Carving (03), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  433. Slade Carving (04), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  434. Slade Carving (05), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  435. Slade Carving (06), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  436. Slade Carving (07), Blubberhouses Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  437. Sleets Gill Top, Hawkswick – Enclosure
  438. Slipstone Crags, Colsterdale – Cup-Marked Stone
  439. Smiley Stone (446), Middleton Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  440. Snaygill Farm Stone (016), Skipton – see Low Snaygill Stone, Skipton
  441. Snowden Carr Carving (001), Askwith Moor Cup-Marked Stone
  442. Snowden Carr Carving (569), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  443. Snowden Carr Carving (570), Askwith Moor– Cup-Marked Stone
  444. Snowden Carr Carving (571), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  445. Snowden Carr Carving (579), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  446. Snowden Carr Carving (580), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  447. Snowden Carr Carving (581), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  448. Snowden Carr Carving (582), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  449. Snowden Carr Carving (594), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  450. Snowden Carr Carving (597), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  451. Snowden Carr Carving (598), Snowden Carr, Askwith – see Tree of Life Stone
  452. Snowden Carr Carving (600), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  453. Snowden Carr Carving (603), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  454. Snowden Carr Carving (605), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  455. Snowden Carr Carving (610), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  456. Snowden Carr Carving (612), Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  457. Snowden Carr Carving (613), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  458. Snowden Carr Settlement, Askwith – Settlement
  459. Snowden Crags Cairn Circle, Askwith Moor, North Yorkshire
  460. Snowden Crags Necropolis, Timble – Cairns
  461. Snowden Moor Settlement (1), Askwith – Settlement
  462. Snowden Moor Settlement (2), Askwith – Settlement
  463. Solar Stone (567), Snowden Carr, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  464. South Park, Little Ribston – Tumulus
  465. Southergill Well, Pateley Bridge – Healing Well
  466. Spa Well, Middleton – Healing Well
  467. Spa Well, Sleights Moor, Sleights – Healing Well
  468. Spa Well, Whitby – Healing Well
  469. Spink Well, Burnsall – Healing Well
  470. Spittal Well, York – Healing Well
  471. Spring Stone Carving (483), Middleton Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  472. Staniston Hill, Stainburn – Standing Stone
  473. Stanwick Fortifications, Stanwick-St-John – Settlement
  474. Staple Howe, Kirklington – Tumulus
  475. Stapley Hill, Kirklington – see Staple Howe
  476. Step Stone, Snowden Crags, Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  477. Stone Cross, Stakesby – Cross
  478. Stone Hill Head, Allerston Moor – Standing Stone
  479. Stone Man, Kirkby Ravensworth – Tumulus
  480. Stone Rings, Pannal – Stone Circle
  481. Stony Marl Howe (01), Howdale Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus
  482. Stony Marl Howe (02), Howdale Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus 
  483. Stony Marl Howe (03), Howdale Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus
  484. Stony Marl Howe (04), Howdale Moor, Fylingdales – Tumulus
  485. Stony Raise, Addlebrough, Thornton Rust – Cairn
  486. Stoop Hill (north), Askwith Moor – Hut Circle
  487. Stoup Hill Carving, Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  488. Stridebut Edge, Malham – Settlement
  489. Studfold Ring, Amplethorpe – Enclosure
  490. Stump Cross, Whitby – Cross
  491. Sulphur Well, Wigglesworth – Healing Well
  492. Summer Stone, Blubberhouse Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  493. Sun Bank, Blubberhouses Moor – Enclosure
  494. Sunrise Stone (605), Snowden Carr, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  495. Tadpole Stone, Dacre – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  496. Tattersall Pasture, Bordley – Enclosure
  497. Teddy Stone, Blubberhouses – Cup-Marked Stone
  498. Temple Yarmer, Nidd – see Yarmer Head
  499. Thief Thorne, Draughton Moor – Standing Stone
  500. Thornborough Cursus – Cursus Monument
  501. Thornborough Henges – Henges
  502. Three Howes (01), Harwood Dale – Tumulus
  503. Three Howes (02), Harwood Dale – Tumulus
  504. Three Howes (03), Harwood Dale – Tumulus
  505. Three Thorn Well, Cracoe – Sacred Well
  506. Thursday Market Cross, York – Cross
  507. Torlery Edge, Malham Moor – Settlement
  508. Tree of Life Stone (598), Snowden Carr, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  509. Walton Head, Kirkby Overblow – Standing Stones
  510. Warsett Hill, Brotton – Round Barrows
  511. Warsett Hill (1), Brotton – Tumulus
  512. Watkinson Well, Embsay Moor – Healing Well
  513. Way Hagg, West Ayton Moor – Cup-Marked Stones
  514. West Agra, Gollinglith Foot, Colsterdale – Standing Stone
  515. West Agra Carving, Colsterdale – Cup-Marked Stone
  516. West Agra Plantation 1, Colsterdale – Cup-Marked Stone
  517. West Agra Plantation 2b, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  518. West Agra Plantation 3, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  519. West Agra Plantation 4, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  520. West Agra Plantation 5, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  521. West Agra Plantation 6, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  522. West Agra Plantation 7, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  523. West Agra Plantation 8, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  524. West Agra Plantation 9, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  525. West Agra Plantation 10, Colsterdale – Cup-Marked Stone
  526. West Agra Plantation 11, Colsterdale – Cup-Marked Stone
  527. West Agra Plantation 12, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  528. West Agra Plantation 13, Colsterdale – Cup-Marked Stone
  529. West Agra Plantation 14, Colsterdale – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  530. Wester Cairnfield (01), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  531. Wester Cairnfield (02), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  532. Wester Cairnfield (03), Askwith Moor – Cup-Marked Stone
  533. Westgate Well, Embsay Moor – Healing Well
  534. West Lane Rock (509), Askwith – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  535. Weston Churchyard (568), Askwith – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  536. Weston Moor (543), Weston – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  537. White Stone Cross, York – Cross
  538. Whitfield Sike Springs, Embsay Moor – Healing Wells
  539. Winter Hill Stone, Stott Hill Moor, Cowling – Cup-Marked Stone
  540. Witshaw Spring, Embsay Moor – Healing Well
  541. Woman Stone, Askwith Moor – Cup-and-Ring Stone
  542. Yarmer Head, Nidd – Standing Stone
  543. Yarnbury, Grassington – Henge
  544. Yarnbury, Grassington – Settlement
  545. Yockenthwaite, Buckden – Stone Circle