Cup-Marked Stone: OS Grid Reference – SE 17798 51007
Also Known as:
- Small Rings Stone
Follow the directions to reach cup-and-ring Carving 581 and this small stone is about 10 yards above it, up the slight slope amidst the heather. You might have to look around a bit though, as it’s a small flat stone and gets easily overgrown.
Archaeology & History

Founds amidst a cluster of what Eric Cowling called “a barrow group,” or a cluster of cairns, is this excellent little carved stone, with a number of cup-and-rings close to what is now the northern edge of the rock. But this small stone has blatantly been split off from a larger piece (perhaps split in half), but a brief scramble in the heather here couldn’t locate the other part of the stone — which is a great pity. For although we have four or five cup-and-rings linking onto each other, where the stone has been split, one of the cups has been cut away and it seems obvious that there was more carved onto the other lost section of the stone — wherever it may be! There is the possibility that this stone was thrown down from a nearby cairn and was broken in the course of its movement; but we might only find this after the heather’s been burnt back in the near future. Anyway, Boughey & Vickerman (2003) discerned this as a
“small square rock with smooth level surface. Six cups, five with incomplete rings and some running into one and other.”
It’s a good one (despite what my poor photos may infer) and well worth a look at if you’re into your rock art!
- Boughey, Keith & Vickerman, E.A., Prehistoric Rock Art of the West Riding, WYAS 2003.
- Cowling, Eric T., Rombald’s Way: A Prehistory of Mid-Wharfedale, William Walker: Otley 1946.
© Paul Bennett, The Northern Antiquarian