Cup-Marked Stone: OS Grid Reference – SE 06521 44887
Follow the same directions for reaching the Baldwin Stone. From here, with your back to the wall, face the small remnants of Robin Hood’s Wood and walk straight to where the game-keeper’s stuff is in the trees 150 yards straight in front. Go through the small copse and out the other side, in a straight line for another 70 yards. This stone’s mainly covered over with vegetation (and we covered most of it back over again) so you might have trouble finding it. But with patience and a good nose, you’ll find it hereabouts!
Archaeology & History

Another previously undiscovered carving, found yesterday (12.6.09) by Michala Potts after rummaging for sometime amidst the mass of Juncus grasses which cover the plain immediately north of Robin Hood’s Wood. Not much to see unless you’re a real rock-art freak, as we only have two definite cup-markings on the stone. A possible third cup can be seen closer to the NW edge, where the rock becomes more crystalline.
I was rather intrigued by Mikki’s find, as when she shouted me over, found that she’d rolled much of the vegetation back that had been covering the stone. Without rolling the grasses back from the surface, she wouldn’t have found the cup-marks; and considering the number of stones that scatter this plain, I asked why she’d chosen to uncover this one and not the others.
“It told me to!” she said in that blunt Yorkshire way.
“Aaahhh,” I thought…
© Paul Bennett, The Northern Antiquarian