Whin Knoll Well, Keighley, West Yorkshire

Healing Well (destroyed): OS Grid Reference – SE 0479 4179

Archaeology & History

The Whin Knoll Well, once found bursting into life at the top of Black Hill, Keighley, got its name from the old word ‘whin,’ or gorse bushes (Ulex Europaeus)—also known in Yorkshire as the ‘Spindly Killer Bush’: a most apt title!  These great spindly killer shrubs once profused where the waters of this old well used to bubble into view – indeed, there are still quite a few great old spindlies still scattered here and there!

The site was shown on old maps as being just two fields east of the more renowned Jennet’s Well, but this old public water supply that once fed the local people, was covered by a reservoir many moons ago.  However, a wander up here recently found the reservoir empty, but a water supply was still bubbling out of the ground into the great concrete hollow.  The last remnants of the Whin Knoll Well perhaps…?

© Paul Bennett, The Northern Antiquarian

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