Slaithwaite Cross, West Yorkshire

Cross:  OS Grid Reference – SE 077 139?

Archaeology & History

The great Huddersfield historian, Philip Ahier (1948), in describing the lack of documentary evidence for several crosses in the neighbouring region, “at Deighton, Cowcliffe, Marsh and Golcar,” found out that,

“One did exist at Slaithwaite in front of the Manor House in the early past of the last century.  In March 1931, the base of this cross, commonly known as the Dial Stone, was removed to Doughlas in the Isle of Man, where it rested in the garden of Mr Harry Wood; in August 1939, it was brought back to Slaithwaite and now stands in the Recreation Park.”

However, this site differs from another two that I’ve found records for on the outskirts of this township.  Does anyone know what became of this old stone cross?  Izzit still about?  Its folk-name of the Dial Stone may make it a little easier to locate — but at the same time it does bring up the query, Why was it called that?


  1. Ahier, Philip, The Story of the Three Parish Churches of St. Peter the Apostle, Huddersfield – volume 1, Advertiser Press: Huddersfield 1948.

© Paul Bennett, The Northern Antiquarian 

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2 thoughts on “Slaithwaite Cross, West Yorkshire”

  1. The ‘Dyall’ stone is once again in the garden of Slaithwaite Manor House after it’s journeys to the Isle of Man and elsewhere. The stone was originally set up in front of the Manor House by John Kaye and is recorded in his Commonplace Book as being found in 1587 ‘thus roundyd’ in nearby Booth Bank Clough.
    The stone was on the route of a previously unknown Roman road and is most likely one of the few remaining Roman milestones. The story of the discovery and excavation of the road has been published by the Huddersfield and District Archaeological Society in their book ‘The Romans Came This Way’. A photograph of the milestone is on the Society’s website
    ‘Dial’ or ‘Dyall’ are most likely corruptions of ‘Devil’. Many stones or monoliths were given that description in the dark ages when such objects were thought to be associated with the underworld. Roman milestones, of which there must have been thousands, were probably broken up or buried for that very reason.

  2. Hi there –
    That info is excellent stuff – huge thanks for that Granville! I like suggestion of the Dial Stone etymology, aswell. Makes sense based on other ‘duel’ & divvel stones found at other sites. Cheers! (have you got any photos of this ‘cross’ we could use on here?)
    All the best – Paul

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